Monday, July 28, 2008

My Passion.....

My hubby always asks, why do I spend so much time on answer is simple, I am just tupper-mad! I just totally love the product range, how I have my own 'tupper museum' at home - all those little miniature collectibles that you would never find in your average catalog...which I source from around the equally addicted tupper friends worldwide (yes, as you can see, I leverage on the internet, maximum!...I never could live without it, I go bonkers when streamyx breaks down!!!LOL!)

Then of course, you think of the 7 wonderful SAVERS of the tupperware line....

1. It SAVES the ENVIRONMENT- no wastage on PET bottles, styrofoam containers, all of which do not degrade well.
2. SAVES SPACE - have you seen how your fridge just transforms with the FREEZERMATES, FRIDGESMARTS and the SQUARE ROUNDS? How about your cabinet with the award winning MODULAR MATES?
3. SAVES TIME - cooking time cuts down when you dont have to waste time thawing food, or how you can transfer the ROCK N SERVES from the fridge, to the microwave, straight to the dinner table?
4. SAVES MONEY - your vegies don't just die on you less than 1 week after you buy it from the market all wrapped up in newspaper or plain plastic. No throwing out browned oxidized cut fruits too! You don't waste petrol going to the market every week!
5. SAVES ENERGY - you don't have to use to lower your fridge temperature all the way down, food stored in the FREEZERMATES freeze quickly with the least energy. TUPPERCHEF cookware uses minimal heat to cook too!
6. SAVES your HEALTH - covered food storage with is virtually air tight and liquid tight prevents food contamination. Food stays fresher, longer! With the ONE TOUCH range, your biscuits are crunchy up till a year!
7. And most importantly, SAVES your FACE, when guests flock over to your house, are you proud to show off your kitchen???

What else could you ask for....

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